• Study the Bible with Fathom

A Study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians

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We think you'll love this study. But don’t just take our word for it.

Deeper love for God grows from deeper understanding. In Belonging to the Day, Kelsey Hency does what is so needed—but so often absent—from a curriculum: She takes us to books of the Bible we find daunting and gives us tools to help us mine their truths. Here is a Bible study that will challenge you to partner in the good work of learning, to actively labor not just to gain knowledge, but to become a better thinker with regard to matters of faith. My own church and ministry have benefited from Kelsey's teaching and writing gifts for over ten years. I am thrilled to see her extending those gifts to a broader community.

Jen Wilkin, Author and Bible Teacher

Never had I picked up a Bible study—scanned it, perused it, considered it—and concluded “Wow!” Out. Loud. But that changed when I received Kelsey Hency’s Belonging to the Day. This Bible study that takes a deep-dive into 1 and 2 Thessalonians is doctrinally sound, aesthetically beautiful, quoted-filled with words from male and female scholars, crafted to help readers get both the overview and the details of the Scripture, and designed for life-change. Fathom has far exceeded expectations once again. Belonging to the Day is just excellent.    

Dr. Sandra Glahn, seminary professor and author of the Coffee Cup Bible Study series

Quite a few bible studies will help you understand what to think theologically, but a rare few will aid you in the journey to learn how to think theologically. This is one of those exceptional works. Belonging to the Day masterfully—and beautifully—walks you through 1 and 2 Thessalonians, breaking it down bit-by-bit, helping you analyze, observe, and know the scripture. And then it guides your hands to put it all back together, in context, so that you can appreciate, enjoy, and apply it to your life. Take it in your hands, ideally with a group of fellow travelers, and study the scriptures deliberately. You’ll find the study makes good on its promise—to help you be changed by the living word of God."

Justin Dunton, Congregation Executive Pastor, The Austin Stone